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Kategória: Articles
PHP Socket szerver és chat átjáró Flash klienseknek
Először is ez nem egy részletes útmutató, hogy „Hogyan írjunk PHP Socket szervert és chat átjárót Flash kliensekhez 10 őerc alatt.” vagy bármi ehhez hasonlót.
Ez a cikket eredetileg angolul írtam meg, még tavaly nyáron, azért mert akkor fejeztük be egy Flash chat megoldást fejlesztését, aminek szerver oldalon PHP a backendje és ez biztosítja a chat átjárót is. Ebben a cikkben főleg kód részleteket fogok bemutatni, és néhány trükkös megoldást, mint például, hogy hogyan bírjuk rá a flasht, hogy 80-as porton kommunikáljon a szerverünkkel, de a legvégén az alkalmazás majdnem eredeti formájában le is tölthető.
Viszont, itt most csak és kizárólag PHP kódot fogok prezentálni, mivel a Flash kódokat nem én írtam, így nyilvánosságra sem hozhatom.
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Megoldás a WordPress WP-Forum 1.7.4 SQL injection sebezhetőségre
Múlt héten milw0rm SQL injection jellegű biztonsági rést talált a WordPress Forum plugin 1.7.4 verziójában. Én pedig itt megmutatom, hogyan lehet a hibát kijavítani. „Megoldás a WordPress WP-Forum 1.7.4 SQL injection sebezhetőségre” bővebben
Solution for WordPress WP-Forum 1.7.4 SQL injection
Last week milw0rm discovered an SQL injection in WordPress Forum plugin 1.7.4 by Fredrik Fahlstad. And here I’ll provide a workaround for that. „Solution for WordPress WP-Forum 1.7.4 SQL injection” bővebben
One more step in CakePHP towards extJs with JSON
So, here is another full example, just like my other CakePHP + extJS, but this one is using JSON rather then XML.
The XML version of this example is available here.
So, first load the stylesheets, and javascripts in the default.thtml:
First steps in CakePHP towards extJs
To be honest, I’ve just started to work with the CakePHP+extJs combination.
But I’m using Cake for almost a year now.
When I was trying out this powerful combination I’ve decided to improve the end result of the „CakePHP 15 minutes blog example” with extJs.
At least, the index function.
For this tiny tutorial I assume, that you have completed the blog tutorial right now, and you have all the controllers, views, and models.
ASUS F5Rl Notebook Drivers for Microsoft Windows XP
Last week I bought a brand new ASUS F5RL Notebook, and I planned to use it with Microsoft Windows XP, but the driver CD that was bundeled with, it contains only Vista 32bit drivers.
So I spent, the last week to look for drivers.
You will find most of the drivers on
But, here are the two (I guess almost the most important) drivers, that I want to share with you, maybe someone somewhere will have the same problem like me:
If you still have an „Unknown Device” in the Device Manager, please check the device details. If you find something like this as Device Instance: ACPI\IFX0102\4 you might need this driver as well. This is a sort of „security” device, it’s called Infineon Trusted Platform Module (TPM).
Maybe you’ll found a better source of drivers, I looked allover, but I can’t find better.
These drivers works for my ASUS F5RL AP007 Notebook. maybe it will work with yours as well.
PHP Socket server and Chat Gateway for Flash clients
First of all, I don’t plan to write a step-by-step manual, „PHP Socket server and Chat Gateway for Flash clients in 10 minutes” or something like that.
We’ve just finished the developement of a Flash chat solution, that uses PHP as Backend and Chat Gateway. I’ll present pieces of the code, and some tricky solutions, for example how to communicate with flash on 80 port.
I won’t present the Flash part of the story, because it was done by a collegue and a friend of mine, and I won’t release his code.
„PHP Socket server and Chat Gateway for Flash clients” bővebben
AJAX Comments 2.08
Mike Smullin released his AJAX Comments plugin for WordPress about a year ago. I’ve found some bugs in the code, so I decided to give out a bugfix release of this plugin.
I call it AJAX Comments 2.08.
Fixed bugs
- UTF-8 character handling error
- Design bug
Download here(50 Kybte ZIP)
Known bug
- stops working properly if you have ShowOnFrontPage plugin (v0.3.1) installed.
Advanced Category Excluder (ACE) plugin for WordPress
For a couple of days I was looking for a plugin for my blog, that can hide some categories, form the front page. After I discovered, that I need to hide them as well from the RSS feeds. And after I’ve figured out that what I want a plugin that I can control categories to be displayed or hidden, in different parts of the blog.
For example I’m planning to write technical articles in english. But I’m writing my blog in hungarian… And maybe most of people who are reading my blog won’t be interested in such technical subject, but those who are using my blog’s RSS feed maybe interested in technical articles.
So I’ve written a plugin for WordPress that can solve the problem mentioned above.
This plugin was written from scratch, but it has been inspired by Front Page Excluded Categories Plugin by Sean O’steen and Jason York.
Download here(1 Kbyte ZIP)
- controls which category would appear in which part
- handles empty categories
- hides BlogRoll from category list
- support for Event Calendar
- works with WordPress 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3